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Driving fun earns immediate rewards: The new Driving Excitement Analyser from MINI Connected.

New, globally unique function is part of the updated MINI Connected app – Drivers collect points for skilful acceleration, gear changes, steering and braking – Intuitive operation and familiar MINI presentation using the joystick and on-board monitor.


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Margarida Peres
BMW Group

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Margarida Peres
BMW Group

Munich. MINI provides the perfect stage for show-stealing driving fun, but it is down to the driver to deliver the perfect performance. And now the Driving Excitement Analyser from MINI Connected is on hand to highlight just how skilfully and safely drivers are exploiting the potential of their new MINI. This innovative and globally unique function assesses how safely drivers can accelerate and steer the car, and how well planned their gear changes and braking can be. The results are displayed on the onboard monitor, with Experience Points (XP) awarded for sporty but safe driving. The Driving Excitement Analyser is another addition to the existing Driving Excitement suite of features and therefore included in the MINI Connected App update, which drivers can access in their MINI via their iPhone. The free update will be available from March 2013 from the Apple App Store and can be uploaded into the car via an iPhone.

The Driving Excitement Analyser is the latest example of how MINI owners can enjoy a distinctive brand of driving fun through the intelligent link-up of the driver, car and outside world. The MINI Connected app is regularly updated to include new and innovative infotainment, driving fun and social network functions. In cars equipped with the MINI Visual Boost radio or MINI navigation system, MINI Connected already offers features such as a web radio function, the Google Local Search and Send to Car services, use of Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare, the AUPEO! and Stitcher services, reception of RSS news feeds, use of the iPhone’s calendar, and the Driving Excitement, Mission Control, Dynamic Music and MINIMALISM Analyser functions. All are intuitive to use and presented with customary MINI flair with the help of the MINI joystick, steering wheel buttons and onboard monitor.

The Driving Excitement Analyser allows drivers to experience the hallmark MINI driving fun in even greater depth. In addition to the Condition Check function, Force Meter and digital sports instruments already included in the Driving Excitement app from MINI Connected, the new points system rates the driver’s ability to pilot the MINI with a sporty yet steady hand. Praise is given to particularly sprightly sprints, precise gear changes, controlled braking, smooth cornering and U-turns executed at well-judged speeds. For example, the system awards maximum Experience Points for upshifts carried out within the ideal rev range and in less than 1.2 seconds. Super-slick gear changes prompt a “Perfect change up” message on the on-board monitor, while a “Breathtaking U-turn” and a masterful touch with the anchors (“Well-balanced braking”) are similarly recognised with top marks and positive, MINI-style feedback. At the opposite end of the scale, no points are given for potentially dangerous manoeuvres. Instead, excessively sharp braking and precarious or erratic cornering cause a warning to be displayed on the monitor.

In other words, sustained poise and assurance at the wheel are the key to sending a driver’s points total skywards. Topping 100 points in any of the four categories results in promotion to the next level. Added to which, drivers can collect badges reflecting their accomplished acceleration, gear changes or cornering technique within the scope of special tests. Navigation-linked badges are awarded as a special bonus, lighting up on the onboard monitor if the MINI passes one of the essential destinations identified by the app – the MINI factory in Oxford, for instance.



For any queries, please contact:

Corporate Communications

Andreas Lampka, Head of Communications MINI

Telephone: +49 89-382-23662, Fax: +49 89-382-20626






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The BMW Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI, Husqvarna Motorcycles  and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 29 production and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.


In 2011, the BMW Group sold about 1.67 million cars and more than 113,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2011 was euro 7.38 billion on revenues amounting to euro 68.82 billion. At 31 December 2011, the BMW Group had a workforce of approximately 100,000 employees.


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Os valores do consumo de combustível, das emissões de CO2 e de consumo de energia aqui apresentados foram determinados de acordo com o Regulamento (CE) 715/2007 na versão aplicável no momento da homologação. Os valores referem-se à versão base de um veículo na Alemanha e na gama apresentada é considerado o equipamento opcional e os diferentes tamanho de jantes e pneus para a versão selecionada.

Os valores dos veículos já se baseiam no novo Regulamento WLTP e são traduzidos para valores equivalentes aos do NEDC de modo a garantir a comparação entre os veículos. [Relativamente a estes veículos, no que se refere a impostos relacionados com o veículo ou outras taxas baseadas (no mínimo, entre outros) nas emissões de CO2, os valores de CO2 podem ser diferentes dos valores aqui apresentados.]

As especificações da eficiência de CO2 são determinadas de acordo com a Diretiva 1999/94/CE e o regulamento europeu na sua versão atual aplicável. Os valores apresentados são baseados no consumo de combustível, valores de CO2 e de consumo de energia de acordo com o ciclo NEDC para a classificação.

Para mais informações sobre os dados oficiais do consumo de combustível e as emissões específicas de CO2 dos automóveis de passageiros novos, consulte as diretrizes sobre o consumo de combustível, emissões de CO2 e consumo de energia elétrica de automóveis de passageiros novos, disponíveis gratuitamente em todos os Concessionários BMW.

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