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All BMW Group brands now under one roof at BMW Welt

Today, on the fifth anniversary of the opening of the BMW Welt, the BMW Group gave the press a sneak preview of its new brand experience. The official opening weekend for all visitors will be on 20-21 October 2012. From now on, the brand worlds of MINI, Rolls-Royce and Husqvarna Motorcycles, and the sub-brands BMW i, BMW M and MINI John Cooper Works will be part of the BMW Welt experience, as well as the BMW and BMW Motorrad brands. The BMW Group will also present its own company exhibition for the first time in the Double Cone. Therefore, Bavaria’s most popular tourist attraction will now house the entire BMW Group brand spectrum.

BMW Welt
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Margarida Peres
BMW Group

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Personal brand experience a key factor in customer loyalty

Munich. Today, on the fifth anniversary of the opening of the BMW Welt, the BMW Group gave the press a sneak preview of its new brand experience. The official opening weekend for all visitors will be on 20-21 October 2012. From now on, the brand worlds of MINI, Rolls-Royce and Husqvarna Motorcycles, and the sub-brands BMW i, BMW M and MINI John Cooper Works will be part of the BMW Welt experience, as well as the BMW and BMW Motorrad brands. The BMW Group will also present its own company exhibition for the first time in the Double Cone. Therefore, Bavaria’s most popular tourist attraction will now house the entire BMW Group brand spectrum.


Ian Robertson, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for Sales and Marketing BMW, on the significance of the BMW Welt: “The BMW Welt is now the heart of all of our premium brands and sub-brands, as well as the spirit of the BMW Group. Enhancing the BMW Welt in this way enables us to broaden the customer experience. Customer orientation is a key part of our company’s philosophy and is vitally important in creating a genuine personal and emotional connection. We look forward to welcoming many more visitors from all around the world to our Munich location.”


Harald Krüger, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for MINI, Motorrad, Rolls-Royce and Aftersales, stated at the opening: “We will be focusing even more attention on the BMW Group’s individual brands and business areas in the future. The presence of all brands is the first milestone in this development. Here, our customers can experience the core of the brands first-hand: from Rolls-Royce, the pinnacle of luxury, to the extraordinary world of MINI, to all of our Motorcycle brands.”


Opening weekend

To mark its fifth anniversary, the BMW Welt is inviting guests to attend a special weekend on 20-21 October. Both days will feature a varied programme with a large number of events and indoor and outdoor activities: from the BMW jazz matinee and Rolls-Royce teatime to a MINI fashion dance show. More information can be found at:


The BMW Welt presents the latest BMW Group developments. These can be seen in its products, but also in a glimpse of future mobility, with examples such as electro-mobility and future charging technology. Visitors can already take advantage of the BMW Group mobility services DriveNow and BMW on Demand on-site. The BMW Welt provides insights into the BMW Group’s future sales concepts – in Germany, it is a pioneer in the field of future retail. Future retail is a comprehensive programme which offers new and diverse ways for customers to interact with our brands and products.


Exhibition content

At the redesigned BMW Welt, the BMW Group and each of its brands welcomes visitors in its own interactive experience area: The BMW Group display in the Double Cone focuses on the people who work for the company. BMW Group employees serve as avatars that interact with the visitors and explain the work they do. In the BMW area, innovative presentation techniques are used to showcase design and technology, as well as the vehicles themselves. The exhibits allow visitors to understand and actively experience sheer driving pleasure. The BMW i presentation invites visitors to think deeply about electro-mobility and related issues, such as battery charging, energy generation and usage. In the BMW M brand area, visitors experience motorsport in its purest form: Weathered blacktop, start signals, piles of tyres and typical racetrack markings along the walls and the floor all transport the visitor to a world with a fascination for power.


Surprising and unconventional ideas allow the visitor to experience all aspects of the MINI brand in a fun, interactive way. For example, an oversized iPhone running a simulation of the MINI Connected app demonstrates individual functions. In the MINI Lounge, visitors can post a picture of themselves on the photo wall for posterity. The Rolls-Royce presentation is stylish and modern: Films and exhibits highlight the countless hours of meticulous handwork that go into every Rolls-Royce. One of the Rolls-Royce cars is always open to visitors. Anyone who wishes to can sit inside a Rolls-Royce – touch it, see it, smell it, savour it. The BMW Motorrad area features more than just motorcycles. The Biker’s Lodge serves as a platform for the unique motorcycle community, and provides a casual atmosphere for sharing stories and recollections about travels, routes and tours. The Husqvarna brand is staged in a way that appears to defy the laws of gravity: A motorbike is suspended in the air above the visitors’ heads, and even the red Husqvarna container, positioned above the whole brand area in the upper level of the BMW Welt, appears to be free of gravity.


The unique BMW Welt brand experience is complemented by a new event concept, which allows the different brands to host their own events. Events like the BMW Welt Jazz Award or MINI Clubbing highlight brand values and are geared towards each brand’s target group.



If you have any questions, please contact:


BMW Group Corporate Communications


Martina Napoleone, Business and Financial Communications, Marketing

Telephone: +49 89 382-14908, Fax: +49 89 382-24418

Alexander Bilgeri, Head of Business, Financial and Sustainability Communications

Telephone: +49 89 382-24544, Fax: +49 89 382-24418


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The overall BMW Welt experience


The BMW Welt “ensemble” – formed by the BMW Welt, the BMW Museum and the BMW Plant Munich – has quickly become one of Bavaria’s top attractions. This is where the past, present and future of the world’s most successful premium automobile manufacturer come together to create a comprehensive brand experience. Together, the BMW Plant Munich, the BMW Museum and the BMW Welt form a whole: the complete BMW Welt experience. The complete BMW Welt experience is an important interface between the company, the brand, its products and the visitor. The proximity of this unique building of the BMW Welt with its futuristic architecture to all major areas of the BMW Group’s Munich location, combined with the opportunity of visiting the Museum and taking a guided tour of the Plant on the same day, makes this a unique three-pronged brand experience. The ensemble of the BMW Welt, the BMW Museum and the BMW Plant represents the clear commitment of the BMW Group to its home city of Munich.



The BMW Group

The BMW Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI, Husqvarna Motorcycles and Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 29 production and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.

In 2011, the BMW Group sold about 1.67 million cars and more than 113,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2011 was euro 7.38 billion on revenues amounting to euro 68.82 billion. At 31 December 2011, the BMW Group had a workforce of approximately 100,000 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked industry leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last eight years.






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Os valores do consumo de combustível, das emissões de CO2 e de consumo de energia aqui apresentados foram determinados de acordo com o Regulamento (CE) 715/2007 na versão aplicável no momento da homologação. Os valores referem-se à versão base de um veículo na Alemanha e na gama apresentada é considerado o equipamento opcional e os diferentes tamanho de jantes e pneus para a versão selecionada.

Os valores dos veículos já se baseiam no novo Regulamento WLTP e são traduzidos para valores equivalentes aos do NEDC de modo a garantir a comparação entre os veículos. [Relativamente a estes veículos, no que se refere a impostos relacionados com o veículo ou outras taxas baseadas (no mínimo, entre outros) nas emissões de CO2, os valores de CO2 podem ser diferentes dos valores aqui apresentados.]

As especificações da eficiência de CO2 são determinadas de acordo com a Diretiva 1999/94/CE e o regulamento europeu na sua versão atual aplicável. Os valores apresentados são baseados no consumo de combustível, valores de CO2 e de consumo de energia de acordo com o ciclo NEDC para a classificação.

Para mais informações sobre os dados oficiais do consumo de combustível e as emissões específicas de CO2 dos automóveis de passageiros novos, consulte as diretrizes sobre o consumo de combustível, emissões de CO2 e consumo de energia elétrica de automóveis de passageiros novos, disponíveis gratuitamente em todos os Concessionários BMW.

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