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BMW Motorrad GS Trophy 2010, day 7. Team UK hold narrow lead into final day.

Mpumalanga. The three-way struggle for the GS Trophy continued today, but after 320 kilometres and two special tests Team UK had bravely held onto their lead after placing second for the day. Team Nordic won the day to join Team South Africa in the points standings and to be just five points behind Team UK going into the final day of the competition.

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BMW Group

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Margarida Peres
BMW Group

Mpumalanga. The three-way struggle for the GS Trophy continued today, but after 320 kilometres and two special tests Team UK had bravely held onto their lead after placing second for the day. Team Nordic won the day to join Team South Africa in the points standings and to be just five points behind Team UK going into the final day of the competition.

The route today was one of the longest in the GS Trophy seeing the competitors ride out from the Pongola Game Reserve, where a herd of giraffes provided some spectacle for the occasion, then heading west using mountain pass gravel roads before heading down to the lower region of Amersfoort to find, again, the Country Trax farm estate.

The first test of the day was called ‘fox hole’ where the competitors had to push their bikes through access tunnels under a railway. A slight incline made the job harder as did a good deal of moss and water over the concrete. Here Team UK were easy winners, being 11 seconds faster than second placed Team Spain. Team Nordic and Team South African placed third and fourth.

The second test was a slow race in the grounds of Country Trax. Here Team USA won their first test of the week, being able to stay balanced and within the course for nearly a whole minute more than second-equal placed Team South Africa and Team Nordic. Team UK saw one of their riders stall just after the start and were never able to make up the time lost, eventually finishing sixth.


1st Day Six: Team Nordic

Jussi Ali-Lekkala: The fox hole test went very nicely for us, it would have been quicker still except I left my bike in first gear and had to push it in gear. Then Per (Wallin) did an excellent job in getting us into the top three in the slow race.

So the trials test tomorrow is going to be a very exciting challenge, we walked trough it this evening and we feel we can do it but we’ll have to concentrate very hard. It’s going to be a tough fight with the Team UK as I know they’re trials riders. It’s going to be a race for the mind, I think, so we’ll want to keep cool and do our best.

ST10: Fox hole: 1, Team UK; 2, Team Spain; 3, Team Nordic

ST11: Slow race: 1, Team USA; =2, Team South Africa; =2, Team Nordic

Other highlights:

First win for Team USA

Winners in the 2008 edition, Team USA have waited until the penultimate day to claim their first special test victory in 2010 in the slow race. The good natured American’s were modest, even self-deprecating about their performance.

Shannon Markle: It’s a test that suited us because of our style – we are slow and cautious – and none of us have injuries.

Team UK’s journalist walks away from major crash

Warren Pole, journalist to Team UK, counted himself lucky to walk away from a high speed crash on the gravel today ­– he felt doubly relieved he was uninjured as he’s due to climb Mount Kilimanjaro with former tennis ace Martina Navratilova in just two weeks time.

Warren Pole: A rock sent the bike into a bit of a tankslapper, then I ran into a second rock – that was my big unlucky moment –and the front washed out. It was a case of earth-sky earth-sky several times in the middle of which I recall seeing my bike cart wheeling through the air. I got magic medical assistance from the GS Trophy doctor who was on scene in about three minutes and I have to say the kit (BMW Motorrad Rallye 3 suit) did a great job, too. As they were getting ready to put me in the car to bring me back our guide Dallie came over and said it was only 40km to the end and he’d happily take me on his bike – I thought that was such a nice gesture, even if we did have another little ‘lie down’ half way back! It’s all part of the brotherhood and helping getting over what happened.

Team UK and Team South Africa contemplate the final showdown

Mark Kinnard, Team UK: We never expected to be on top still, but here we are, with five points the gap still – it’s all to play for. I personally would be very disappointed if we lost it now at this late stage. The pressure is on.

Gerber Styrdom, Team South Africa: We’re really excited about tomorrow. The scores are close – and I think that’s a good thing for the GS Trophy, it’s keeping everyone on their toes. So we hope tomorrow’s going to go well and everyone enjoys the special test, for we know Jan’s (du Toit) style – he always brings in something different.


GS Trophy 2010

Overall standings after seven days:

1. UK                                                                         134pts

=2. South Africa                                                        129

=2. Nordic                                                                 129

4. Canada                                                                 107

5. Spain                                                                     98

6. USA                                                                       97

7. Alps                                                                       94

8. Germany                                                               89

9. Italy                                                                        79

10. Japan                                                                  49



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