页数 1. �?言4 2. Formula BMW 的�?功故事6 3. 賽事�?則10 4. 赛车手14 5. �?�赛车队24 6. BMW 教育�?�训练课程26 7. �?�赛车30 8. FB02 技术�?�数38 9. 给 Sebastian Vettel 的七�?�问题44 10. �?�作伙伴46 11. 统计51 12. Formula BMW 国际58 13. 你知�?��?�...? 62 14. 媒体查询66
致�?�界媒体朋�?�: Formula BMW 在世界上已 被公认为有抱负的年轻车 手�?�渴望�?�加的比赛。在德 国�?英国�?亚洲和北美,许多 �?具潜质的少年车手�?�是以 BMW 的标准 FB02 赛车,�? �?方程�?赛车的滋味。 在�?��?车比赛�?�得�?功�?�, 年龄低至�??五�?的车手有机 会�?过 Formula BMW 比 赛�?出�?�业赛车的第一步。 BMW Motorsport 对年�?�车 手�??分支�?,为他们�??供专 业的学习环境。BMW 在�? 场比赛都会派出赛车工程师 和技师�??助车手,�?�作伙伴 的工作人员也会在场候命。
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CO2 emission information.
Fuel consumption, CO2 emission figures and power consumption and range were measured using the methods required according to Regulation VO (EC) 2007/715 as amended. They refer to vehicles on the German automotive market. For ranges, the NEDC figures take into account differences in the selected wheel and tyre size, while the WLTP figures take into account the effects of any optional equipment.
All figures have already been calculated based on the new WLTP test cycle. NEDC figures listed have been adjusted to the NEDC measurement method where applicable. WLTP values are used as a basis for the assessment of taxes and other vehicle-related duties which are (also) based on CO2 emissions and, where applicable, for the purposes of vehicle-specific subsidies. Further information are available at www.bmw.de/wltp and at www.dat.de/co2/.