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Участници от цяла Европа пристигат в Лива за "International Mini Meeting 2015". (информация на англ. език)

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Hristina Peycheva
BMW Group

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Hristina Peycheva
BMW Group

Munich / Zarasai. Small car, big party: For more than five decades, enthusiasts from all over the world have been sharing their passion for the classic Mini. And once a year they celebrate the iconic British car at a very special event: the International Mini Meeting (IMM). From 21 to 25 May 2015, classic Mini drivers and enthusiasts will meet in Lithuania for the first time. The picturesque lakeside scenery around Zarasia in the north-east of the Baltic state will be the setting for the IMM 2015 where visitors from all over Europe are expected.

The MiniPeople Club Lithuania, founded in 2008 with more than 250 members, will be hosting the visitors from all corners of the European continent. The club's organisation team had successfully bid for the 2015 IMM event in 2013 and has put a lot of dedication and creativity into preparing the event since then.

The event grounds are located on an island which can be reached by road and offers overnight accommodation on large camping sites close at hand. Live music, fun and sports competitions, an orientation rally as well as car and club presentations are the framework for this social gathering, all typical characteristics for the IMM. There will also be a parts and accessories market, slalom races and awards for the most beautiful, extraordinary and fastest versions of the classic Mini. The program also includes a classic Mini convoy on the roads surrounding the festival grounds. The guest of honour at the IMM 2015 is the Finnish "Rally Professor" Rauno Aaltonen who won the Monte Carlo Rally in a classic Mini in 1967.

The International Mini Meeting has been one of the highlights on the calender of the Mini Club scene since 1978. In the meantime the meeting has become a generation-spanning event in several respects. Many visitors see the IMM as an opportunity for going on a family outing. For this reason the Lithuanian hosts have put together a varied children's program. What is more modern MINIs have long been accepted into the crowd of lovingly cared for classic Minis. Starting with the first MINI, which was put on the road after the relaunch of the brand to the latest model generation, it has a lot of fun and driving history to show.

For further details on official fuel consumption figures, official specific CO2 emissions and power consumption of new cars, please refer to the "Manual on fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and power consumption of new cars", available at all sales outlets, from Deutschen Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT), Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern-Scharnhausen and at ManualCO2 (PDF ‒ 2.7 MB)

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Данните за разхода на гориво, емисиите на СО2 и разхода на електроенергия са измерени в съответствие с Европейската директива (EC) 715/2007 във версията, валидна за типовото одобрение за този модел. Цифрите се отнасят за превозно средство с базова конфигурация в Германия и показаният диапазон отчита различния размер на избраните колела и гуми и опционално допълнително оборудване и могат да се променят по време на конфигурацията.

Данните, вече са измерени на базата на новият тестов цикъл WLTP и са преизчислени обратно към NEDC за сравнимост на автомобилите.

Повече информация за официалния разход на гориво и специфичните СО2 емисии на нови автомобили можете да получите от брошурата „Национален справочник за разхода на гориво и емисиите на CO2 на нови пътнически автомобили“, разпространявана безплатно от дилърите на BMW.

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