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Samo en klik do klasike. Pregled zgodovinskih modelov BMW zdaj na spletu za vsakogar
Thu Feb 27 11:13:00 CET 2025 Sporočilo za javnost
Pri BMW Group Archive so ustvarili obsežen spletni katalog izdelkov BMW s 424 avtomobili +++ Katalogi izdelkov MINI in BMW Motorrad so na spletu od leta 2021 +++ Popolno raziskovalno orodje za medije, navdušence in oboževalce +++ Spletni arhiv BMW Group z novim videzom +++ Implementirana strategija digitalizacije +++
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BMW Group
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BMW Group
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Munich. BMW Group Classic publishes digital historical model overviews for use by the general public and supplements the recently revised BMW Group Online Archive with a comprehensive historical online product catalog of the BMW, Mini and BMW Motorrad brands.
First, the historic model overviews of the Mini and BMW Motorrad brands were made available to the general public in 2021. The historical model overview of the BMW brand is now also available online.
This research tool is available for media, enthusiasts and fans at
424 BMW models are available there. The BMW product range includes all
series vehicles from the BMW 3/15 hp model to the BMW 3 Series (E46),
including BMW Z4 (E85/E86). A total period of 80 years (1928 to
2008) was prepared. The historical model overviews of the Mini and BMW
Motorrad brands round off the online research offering.
In all brand areas, there are overviews of all classic vehicles with short and informative texts on model series, body variants and engines.
These are enriched with current images from the BMW Group Classic vehicle collection and the historic BMW media archive. For this purpose, 614 data sets and 524 images were processed. During the design, emphasis was placed on the future viability of the tool. The historical model overviews can be extended with future vehicle generations.
Anyone who would like to delve even deeper into BMW Group cars and other topics related to BMW Group corporate history can do so under further links to the BMW Group Classic online archive, revised in 2024. For example, publications (brochures, workshop literature, on-board literature, etc.) and specialist books can also be found there.
Katrin Gfrörer, Head of BMW Group Archives and Historic Vehicle Collection: “By making our complete historical model overviews available online, we meet a high external demand for historical product information that has existed for many years and maximizes customer satisfaction with another digital tool. In addition, most of the database in our online archive is publicly available on the BMW Group Archive website and can be used for information and research purposes. These measures impressively underline BMW Group Classic's digitization strategy."
You can access the historical model overviews and the BMW Group Archive under the following links.
Hist. BMW model overview:
Hist. Mini model overview:
Hist. BMW Motorrad model overview:
BMW Group Archive:
BMW Group Classic Website: