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Euro NCAP test: MINI Countryman z najvišjo oceno 5 zvezdic.

Evropski inštitut za varstvo potrošnikov je novemu MINI Countrymanu podelil najvišjo oceno. Nova sredinska zračna blazina zmanjšuje nevarnost poškodb voznika in sovoznika v primeru bočnega trka. Nova generacija sistema za opozorilo pred čelnim trkom lahko zaščiti tudi pešce in kolesarje pri zavijanju.

MINI Countryman

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BMW Group

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BMW Group


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Munich. The largest model in the brand's range impresses with its increased space, high level of comfort, attractive design and innovative technologies. The European Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) has now confirmed the all-rounder's particularly high level of safety. Manufactured in Leipzig, the MINI Countryman stood out in the demanding test procedure thanks to its excellent occupant protection in various types of collision, effective protection for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as effective accident avoidance systems.

The extensive range of safety-related driver assistance systems fitted as standard also contributed to the top rating. Above all, the latest generation of front collision warning with braking function provides an additional plus in safety in urban traffic. It can now also detect pedestrians and cyclists approaching parallel to the lane from behind or in front when turning, effectively helping to avoid a collision with weaker road users. The system also warns of oncoming traffic when turning.

The MINI Countryman also scores highly in terms of passive safety with innovative systems. The standard centre airbag between the driver and front passenger seats was rated as highly effective.

The compact crossover model scored maximum points in the frontal offset test and the side barrier impact test for the protection of children. 

The integrated safety concept provides a high level of protection against injury at all times. According to Euro NCAP, the seats and head restraints in the front and rear seats offer good protection against cervical injuries that can occur in a rear impact. The testers also emphasised the emergency braking system to prevent secondary collisions and the intelligent emergency call.

Active engine compartment lids help to reduce the risk of injury to pedestrians and cyclists. The system proved to be reliable and effective at different speeds in the Euro NCAP safety test.

The ratings of the Euro NCAP testing institute are a benchmark for accident safety recognised Europe-wide and the safety level is being raised constantly. Only new vehicles that offer excellent impact protection and are also well equipped with comprehensive and practical technology for accident avoidance receive the highest rating of 5 stars.


In case of queries, please contact:

Corporate Communications
Franziska Liebert, Press Spokesperson MINI 
Phone: +49-151-601-28030 

Micaela Sandstede, Head of Communication MINI
Phone: +49-176-601-61611

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Prikazane vrednosti porabe goriva, emisij CO2 in energijske učinkovitosti, so bile določene v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 715/2007 v različici, ki je veljala v času odobritve. Vrednosti se nanašajo na vozilo z osnovno konfiguracijo v Nemčiji. Prikazan doseg vozila upošteva opcijsko opremo ter različne velikosti platišč in pnevmatik, ki so na voljo za izbrani model ter se lahko spreminja glede na različne konfiguracije vozila.

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