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BMW in Tomorrowland s pomočjo umetne inteligence ustvarila povsem novo glasbeno izkušnjo.

+++ BMW obnovil sodelovanje z belgijskim glasbenim festivalom +++Najnovejše sodelovanje omogoča oboževalcem, da ustvarijo svojo osebno plesno uspešnico z videoposnetkom +++ Inovativna aplikacija ChatGPT ustvarja edinstveno vsebino družbenih medijev za evropske trge pod geslom "Track to Tomorrow" +++

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BMW Group

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Maja Ilec
BMW Group

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Munich   /   Boom. The Tomorrowland festival, staged annually in the Belgian town of Boom near Antwerp, is one of the world’s most popular and spectacular live events for fans of electronic dance music. Following on from last year’s successful partnership, the Europe-wide collaboration between BMW and the ultra-cool music festival is now entering a new phase. As part of this latest venture, music lovers all over Europe will have the chance to generate their own dance hits with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and share them on their social media channels.

By using AI in its first pan-European social media campaign, BMW is once again underlining the premium carmaker’s role as a driver of innovation. Working together with The Marcom Engine, the BMW Group’s European agency platform, while making creative use of the latest technology, BMW has devised an unprecedented music experience.

The innovative form of sound exploration available at invites all electronic dance music aficionados to create their own personalised song under the banner “Track to Tomorrow”. It starts with a chatbot conversation during which the user is asked a series of questions – about their preferred music genre and tempo, for instance, as well as their current mood and visions for the Tomorrowland festival. By assigning musical elements to each answer, the AI mixes a very personal “Track to Tomorrow” for each participant based on their input. The answers are also used to generate unique lyrics for the track via a ChatGPT interface, and these are then displayed in the application in time with the beat.

Innovative and unique content encourages sharing on social media.

The finished “Track to Tomorrow” is further embellished by the addition of high-impact cover artwork – also created by artificial intelligence – and can be shared directly from the AI application using a link. There is also a facility for downloading various assets for social media. These include a video containing both the AI-generated imagery and the audio track that is ideal for sharing on TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, in particular. The option of adding an intro with a dedication before the song is another incentive that further enhances the shareability of this unique content.

In this way, the company’s first ever Europe-wide social media campaign will see content being created and shared in all European markets before, during and after the actual event. The campaign will be accompanied by influencer activation and an inventive marketing strategy on TikTok. The first pan-European social media campaign is therefore set to showcase the power of the European social hub at the same time as feeding into the perception of BMW as an innovative brand.

The website went live on 17 September 2022.

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Munich. Here you can watch the webcast of the 104 Annual General Meeting of BMW AG.

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CO2 emission information.

Prikazane vrednosti porabe goriva, emisij CO2 in energijske učinkovitosti, so bile določene v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 715/2007 v različici, ki je veljala v času odobritve. Vrednosti se nanašajo na vozilo z osnovno konfiguracijo v Nemčiji. Prikazan doseg vozila upošteva opcijsko opremo ter različne velikosti platišč in pnevmatik, ki so na voljo za izbrani model ter se lahko spreminja glede na različne konfiguracije vozila.

Prikazane vrednosti za vozila že temeljijo na novem postopku preverjanja WLTP in so pretvorjene tudi v vrednosti, ki so primerljive z NEDC, da je zagotovljena primerjava med vozili. V zvezi s temi vozili se lahko tukaj prikazane vrednosti emisij CO2 razlikujejo od vrednosti, ki se (med drugim) upoštevajo za določitev ustreznih davkov ali drugih dajatev povezanih z emisijami CO2.

Nadaljnje informacije o uradnih podatkih varčnosti porabe goriva, specifičnih emisijah CO2 in ostali podatki o energijski učinkovitosti novega osebnega avtomobila so na voljo v »Priročniku o varčnosti porabe goriva, emisijah CO(2)«, ki je na voljo na vseh prodajnih mestih in na ter

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