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Satellite and Livestream Details Auto Shanghai 2019.

Munich. Please find the satellite and livestream details of the BMW Group Press Conference at the Auto Shanghai 2019 as follows: Agenda 16.04.2019 09:00 – 09:30 CST (03:00-03:30 CEST) BMW Group Press Conference – LIVE 15:00 – 15:30 CST (09:00 - 09:30 CEST) HIGHLIGHTS BMW Group Press Conference

Korporativni dogodki

Press Contact.

Michaela Martinus
BMW Group

Tel: +49-89-382-21163
Fax: +49-89-382-34267

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Michaela Martinus
BMW Group

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Munich. Please find the satellite details of the BMW Group Press Conference and highlights at the Auto Shanghai 2019 as follows:


Agenda 16.04.2019

09:00 – 09:30 CST (03:00-03:30 CEST) BMW Group Press Conference – LIVE

15:00 – 15:30 CST (09:00-09:30 CEST)   HIGHLIGHTS Press Conference


Details for Europe:

Sat                                          Eutelsat 7B - 7° E

Transponder                           TXP F1

Channel                                  CH719 - 724

Downlink                                 12,573.20 Horizontal

Bandwidth                               9 MHz
Video Standard                      HD1080i/50

Audio Channels                     Audio: 2 Pairs (4ch)

Symbol Rate                           7.120 Msym/s

FEC                                        3/4 FEC

Aspect Ratio                           HD 16:9 (4:3 safe)

Modulation                              DVBS2-8PSK (20%RO) PILOT ON

MPEG                                     420 MPEG 4

Encryption                              No Encryption


Details for Asia/China:

Sat                                            Asiasat 5- 100,5° E
Channel                                  TXP C10H-4

Downlink                                 4013.50 Horizontal

Bandwidth                               9 MHz

Video Standard                      HD1080i/50

Audio Channels                     Audio: 2 Pairs (4ch)

Symbol Rate                           7.120 Msym/s

FEC                                        3/4 FEC

Aspect Ratio                          HD 16:9 (4:3 safe)

Modulation                             DVBS2-8PSK (20%RO) PILOT ON

MPEG                                    420 MPEG 4

Encryption                              No Encryption


Contact Phone                     +49 151 23456889


Internet live and on-demand stream:

The live stream of the will also be transmitted here:

You can embed the live stream with the following code snippet:  

<iframe src="" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

(If you embed the stream consider the 16:9 aspect ratio please.)

And if necessary, you can connect the media server with this link:



After the event, the on-demand stream will be available here:

And here you can find highlights of the event as download:


Article Offline Attachments.

My.PressClub Prijava

BMW Group Streaming


Munich. Here you can watch the webcast of the 104 Annual General Meeting of BMW AG.

Open Streaming Page

CO2 emission information.

Prikazane vrednosti porabe goriva, emisij CO2 in energijske učinkovitosti, so bile določene v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 715/2007 v različici, ki je veljala v času odobritve. Vrednosti se nanašajo na vozilo z osnovno konfiguracijo v Nemčiji. Prikazan doseg vozila upošteva opcijsko opremo ter različne velikosti platišč in pnevmatik, ki so na voljo za izbrani model ter se lahko spreminja glede na različne konfiguracije vozila.

Prikazane vrednosti za vozila že temeljijo na novem postopku preverjanja WLTP in so pretvorjene tudi v vrednosti, ki so primerljive z NEDC, da je zagotovljena primerjava med vozili. V zvezi s temi vozili se lahko tukaj prikazane vrednosti emisij CO2 razlikujejo od vrednosti, ki se (med drugim) upoštevajo za določitev ustreznih davkov ali drugih dajatev povezanih z emisijami CO2.

Nadaljnje informacije o uradnih podatkih varčnosti porabe goriva, specifičnih emisijah CO2 in ostali podatki o energijski učinkovitosti novega osebnega avtomobila so na voljo v »Priročniku o varčnosti porabe goriva, emisijah CO(2)«, ki je na voljo na vseh prodajnih mestih in na ter

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