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Trzy miliony MINI

Fabryka MINI w Oxfordzie wyprodukowała 3 miliony MINI od 2001 roku - Liczbę tę osiągnięto, gdy z linii produkcyjnej zjechał MINI John Cooper Works Clubman - 80% MINI produkowanych w Oxfordzie przeznaczonych jest na globalny eksport - Fabryka osiągnęła ten wynik w roku, w którym BMW obchodzi swoje 100-lecie oraz w 15. roku produkcji MINI.


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Hubert Fronczak
BMW Group

Tel.: +48-728-874-121

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Hubert Fronczak
BMW Group

Munich/Oxford. Plant Oxford today celebrates the three millionth MINI to roll off the assembly line since production began back in 2001. The three millionth Oxford-built MINI is a John Cooper Works Clubman - the first model to combine the latest John Cooper Works performance enhancements and a new ALL4 all-wheel drive system.

From around 300 cars a day in 2001 to around 1,000 built to order cars today, the 4,500 strong workforce at Oxford produce one new MINI almost every minute. 80 per cent of MINIs built here are exported to more than 110 markets across the world. Since we began building MINIs back in 2001 the car has proven hugely popular with customers right around the world. The passion and commitment that everyone here at the plant has for building a high-quality product is central to that success. The 3 millionth Oxford-built MINI is a remarkable achievement.

Sales of MINI, both in the UK and internationally, have gone from strength to strength over the last 15 years. In its first year nearly 40,000 MINIs were sold worldwide. By 2015 this number had risen to nearly 340,000.Three UK plants have a part to play in its production - Hams Hall near Birmingham makes engines, Swindon produces body pressings and sub-assemblies for MINI, and this all comes together at Oxford with body shell production, paint and final assembly. Together these plants have helped to generate and sustain employment for thousands of people directly and indirectly though the wider supply chain and retailers.

Since 2000 £1.75 billion has been invested by BMW Group at the three plants and at Oxford this has included a state-of-the-art paintshop, a high-technology body building facility, a new final assembly area, a new logistics centre, Quality and Engineering Centre and the MINIcademy, where the plant’s apprentices are trained.

Oxford, the heart and home of MINI production, has a rich motor manufacturing history. It has been building cars since 1913 when the great designer, entrepreneur and philanthropist William Morris (later Lord Nuffield), produced its first car, a “Bullnose” Morris, near today’s present state-of-the-art MINI production facility.

The classic Mini, designed by Sir Alec Issigonis and launched in 1959, revolutionised the automotive world and was produced at Oxford until 1968 with a peak output of 94,889 cars during 1966-7.

Models built at Oxford today include three and five door MINIs, the MINI Clubman and its first all-wheel drive All4 model – and the high-performance MINI John Cooper Works.

The latest news and insights from the plant can be found via the Instagram page @miniplantoxford which can be accessed using the following link: https://www.instagram.com/miniplantoxford/.


 For further details on official fuel consumption figures, official specific CO2 emissions and power consumption of new cars, please refer to the "Manual on fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and power consumption of new cars”, available at all sales outlets, from Deutschen Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT), Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern-Scharnhausen and at http://www.dat.de/angebote/ verlagsprodukte/leitfaden-kraftstoffverbrauch.html. Manual CO2 (PDF ‒ 2.7 MB)

MINI Communications.


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Wskazane dane dotyczące zużycia paliwa, emisji CO2 i zużycia energii zostały ustalone na podstawie nowej procedury WLTP określonej w Rozporządzeniu (UE) 2017/1151 z dnia 1 czerwca 2017 r. w uzupełnieniu Rozporządzenia (WE) nr 715/2007 Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady w sprawie homologacji typu pojazdów silnikowych w odniesieniu do emisji zanieczyszczeń pochodzących z lekkich pojazdów pasażerskich i użytkowych oraz w sprawie dostępu do informacji dotyczących naprawy i utrzymania pojazdów w brzmieniu obowiązującym w chwili udzielenia homologacji.

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