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BMW brengt de Bundesliga pilotapplicatie naar het BMW Theatre Screen.

+++ Hoogtepunt voor voetbalfans: Pilotapplicatie Bundesliga nu ook beschikbaar op het BMW Theatre Screen +++ De achterstoelen in de BMW 7 Serie zijn praktisch de stoelen op de eerste rij in het stadion +++ De beschikbaarheid van de pilotapplicatie op BMW Curved Display wordt uitgebreid naar andere modellen en markten +++ Bijgaand het volledige, Engelstalige persbericht.

Infotainment, Bedieningsconcepten
7 Serie

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Bryan Barendrecht
BMW Group

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Bryan Barendrecht
BMW Group

Munich. In January, BMW joined forces with DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga to become the first car manufacturer to bring Bundesliga football into a vehicle with a pilot application. Since then, selected content and live games have been available to customers of the new BMW 7 Series in Germany, Austria and Switzerland who can enjoy the content on the BMW Curved Display when the car is parked*. In the next step, customers can now also enjoy the Bundesliga In-Car App content on the BMW Theatre Screen. This practically turns the rear seats in the BMW 7 Series into front-row seats in the stadium. At the same time, the offer will be rolled out to other countries in Europe, America and Asia**. The pilot is initially scheduled to run until 31.03.2024.

The BMW Theatre Screen transforms the rear of the new BMW 7 Series into an exclusive private cinema. The large 31.3-inch panoramic display offers first-class entertainment with Amazon Fire TV built-in. Bundesliga content can now also be streamed via the BMW Bundesliga In-Car App, which is available exclusively in the BMW 7 Series on the BMW Theatre Screen in the Fire TV app store. Thanks to the on-board 5G-enabled antenna system, customers benefit from the best-possible streaming speeds.

For safety reasons Bundesliga content cannot be played on the BMW Curved Display while driving. However, streaming on the BMW Theatre Screen is possible for rear-seat passengers while the vehicle is on the move. The Bundesliga In-Car App offers on-demand content such as highlight formats or match data, but also individual live content tailored for in-car use.

* Also available in BMW iX from production 03/23; BMW X5, X6, X7 from 04/23
** Successive rollout in Belgium, Brazil, France, Italy, Korea, Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, USA.

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