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Interpol, motoren, BBQ en de industriële charme van Berlijn. Het Pure&Crafted Festival van BMW Motorrad nodigt bezoekers uit voor een ontspannen laatste zomerweekend in de Altes Kraftwerk Rummelsburg op 26 en 27 augustus.

De derde editie van het Pure&Crafted Festival vindt plaats op 26 en 27 augustus – met een nieuwe look en op een nieuwe, authentieke locatie in Berlijn. Na twee succesvolle jaren in het Berlijnse Postbahnhof, verhuist het festival nu naar een grotere locatie: de voormalige Berlijnse energiecentrale Altes Kraftwerk Rummelsburg. Met spectaculaire shows van onder andere Interpol brengt Pure&Crafted een onvergetelijke ervaring in een nazomerse sfeer.

BMW Motorrad
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Andrew Mason
BMW Group

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Andrew Mason
BMW Group

Munich. The third edition of the Pure&Crafted Festival takes place on 26 and 27 August – in a new look and at an authentic Berlin location. After two successful years at the Berlin Postbahnhof, the festival now moves to a larger space, its new home being the former Berlin power station Altes Kraftwerk Rummelsburg. The site offers impressive industrial charm and promises greater diversity than ever for all friends and fans of motorcycle culture, New Heritage lifestyle and down-to-earth guitar music. Once again this year, the festival offers an exquisite entertainment line-up. With captivating live shows by Interpol, Car Seat Headrest and Razz, Pure&Crafted brings Berlin a very distinctive experience in a late summer atmosphere.

With its melancholic post-punk and new wave, the US band Interpol is the headline act at this year’s Pure&Crafted Festival. They will be bringing along their trendsetting album “Turn On The Bright Lights” with them, which celebrates its 15th anniversary this year. Also to be seen on the main stage: the self-made musician Will Toledo alias Car Seat Headrest and band. Unwilling to commit to a specific genre – which would be boring anyway – the trio plays psychedelic electronic numbers alongside punk anthems. Other highlights this year include indie rockers Razz, who are guaranteed to provide a thrilling live show, Berlin-based band Picture with its highly fashionable brand of songwriter rock, and the high-energy girls of Gurr. The line-up is rounded off with the adventurous high-flyers Giant Rooks, Abay, who describe their style as post-pop, The Dead Lovers and The Rob Ryan Roadshow, who like to surprise their live audiences.

But Pure&Crafted is so much more than a regular festival. In addition to the music, the spacious outdoor area will once again include an international custom bike show this year, as well as acrobatic performances at the Original Motodrom – guaranteed to send adrenalin levels shooting up to unprecedented heights. In the architecturally impressive machine room of the Altes Kraftwerk – a former power station – there will be familiar features such as the General Store with its numerous exhibitors and attractions as well as the Food Court offering a diverse range of culinary delights to explore.

While music lovers get their money´s worth especially on Saturday with the internationally renowned stage line-up, the Sunday will focus somewhat more on the theme of motorcycle culture and New Heritage lifestyle – so it’ll be time to pack up friends, family and stuff and get out into the fresh air! Pure&Crafted invites anyone with a sense of curiosity and adventure to savour the uniquely relaxed festival atmosphere and round off the weekend with an eventful day – complete with motorcycle ride-out and kids’ program. And the music is a key feature here too, of course: we can look forward to some real musical gems on the Motodrom stage!


Festival tickets are now available for advance booking. The ticket for both days costs € 24.00, the ticket for Saturday costs € 19.00 and the ticket for Sunday € 5.00.


Tickets are available at


Pure&Crafted Festival

When : 26 and 27 August 2017

Where: Altes Kraftwerk Rummelsburg, Berlin



Interpol | Car Seat Headrest | Razz | Gurr | Giant Rooks | Abay | Pictures | Rob Ryan Roadshow | The Dead Lovers and others


Tickets available at :

Festival ticket (Saturday & Sunday): € 24.00 (plus fees)

Saturday ticket: € 19.00 (plus fees)

Sunday ticket: € 5.00 (plus fees)








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